QuinnIQ powers automated expense verification

Leverage the power of Human-in-the-loop review and Machine Learning to streamline your agency's operations. Remove bottlenecks and scale your programs with ease.

How QuinnIQ works

Connect your expenses data feed

We work directly with you or your technology provider to connect all incoming expenses from families to the QuinnIQ Brain.

QuinnIQ reviews each expense

The QuinnIQ Brain reviews each submitted expense and assigns a confidence score based on the data, image(s), and account information submitted.

Sorted expenses returned

The QuinnIQ Brain sorts expenses based on past reviews. New expenses or results under the confidence preference are flagged for human review.

Empowering your program based on your preferences

QuinnIQ is trained on your review data and is program specific.

Customized Risk Tolerance. Program administrators share their preference of manual review and the QuinnIQ Brain will be calibrated to label where confident and loop a human in where clarification is needed. Ever improving the Brain's results.

State Specific Trained Model. Every ESA program has different qualifying expenses, thus we train QuinnIQ based on previous reviews made by your department's team, transferring that institutional knowledge to an outcome with reliable consistency.

Shared Insights. QuinnIQ is an anonymized give-to-get model between ESA programs, allowing for new qualifying expenses or a new program to review with confidence and speed unmatched by manual review only.

Customer Stories

Maximizing Your Team's Human Potential

With QuinnIQ handling all repetitive expenses, your team can spend their time focusing on new, outlying submissions. The QuinnIQ Brain learns from each manual review completed, letting your team focus on their best work by reducing repetitive work.

per employee returned daily
improvement in workforce efficiency

Super-charge your program

QuinnIQ's maximum potential lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate with other systems and tools, boosting efficiency and productivity. When fully integrated, QuinnIQ empowers program administrators to streamline processes and make data-driven decisions, ultimately delivering the most value to families and learning providers.

Get started

Start minimizing expense review wait times

Allow our technical experts to work with your team to closely understand your integration requirements, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation of QuinnIQ. With our dedicated support, you can trust that we will guide you through every step of the way, from initial consultation to post-partnership support.

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